A Century and a Half of History in Junction City, Oregon
Directions to Rest Lawn Memorial Park in Junction City

Contact Us at Rest Lawn

Rest Lawn Entrance
Flags on Memorial Day at Rest Lawn

Visiting Hours: the cemetery is open to visitors with family or friends interred here from dawn to dusk every day.

Office Hours: Our cemetery office (located in Eugene at our Oak Hill Cemetery) is open by appointment only. To speak with us about arranging for a burial or cremated remains interment here, or for any other reason, please contact us by phone or email. 

:    www.restlawnonline.com
E-mail:     [email protected]**
Telephone: (541) 998-5810

Physical Address for the cemetery (DIRECTIONS LINK HERE):  
94335 Territorial Hwy
Junction City, OR 97448

Mailing Address:  
P.O. Box 2026,
Eugene, Oregon 


Licenses and Permits:   

  • Certified by State of Oregon Dept. of Consumer and Business Services as a Certified Provider of Pre-arranged Cemetery Services and Merchandise.
  • Certificate to Operate a Cemetery Issued by State of Oregon Mortuary and Cemetery Board
  • Member: Cemetery Association of Oregon